Why is the MoMA Film Stills Archive Inaccesible? ⇒

This just doesn’t make any sense:

{% blockquote -Richard Corliss http://entertainment.time.com/2012/01/11/mary-and-moma-the-case-of-the-still-missing-film-stills/?iid=ent-main-lede TIME.com %} On the morning of Jan. 11, 2002, Mary Lea Bandy, chief curator of the MoMA Department of Film and Video, told the two Stills Archive staff members that at the end of the business day two things would happen: the facility would be shuttered and the staffers would be laid off—until, and unless, the Museum found space for the Stills Archive when MoMA returned from its temporary home in Queens to an enlarged Manhattan premises in 2005. The collection was mothballed in the Film Department’s vault in Hamlin, Pa., where it remains today, inaccessible to scholars and journalists, and to the head of the Archive, Mary Corliss. {% endblockquote %}

(via Roger Ebert)